Monday, August 17, 2015

The 90’s Called and They Want Their Movies Back


                   Straight Outta Compton (2015), Mission Impossible V (2015), Terminator V(2015), Jurassic World (2015), or as I prefer calling it Jurassic Park IV, and two Kurt Cobain documentaries hit theaters this summer. During those lazy hazy days of summer theater goers embraced a proliferation of reboots and sequels of intellectual property from the 90’s. While both NWA and the Terminator film series began in the 80's one could argue both had their largest cultural impact in the early 90’s. Poltergeist (2015), Fury Road (2015), and Vacation (2015) are all derivatives of film series with strong ties to the 80’s that hit theaters this summer too. With the exception of Fury Road (2015) none of the 80’s recycled movies performed as well as their 90’s counterparts both critically and financially. Of all the recycling that occurred this summer at least Straight Outta Compton is an original story and screenplay. However, its marketing and appeal has largely been fueled by the nostalgia for the late 80’s and early 90’s gangsta rap found on the film’s soundtrack.
                Both the Terminator film series and the Jurassic Park film series had to wait several years to produce their respective sequels. This was necessary to let the stink from previous iterations fade away. The Hollywood studio bean counters correctly surmised that their franchise’s name recognition would outlast the memory of shitty sequels.
                Studios are driven by data and cash. This may come as a shock to some who have been reading the countless editorials this summer deriding Hollywood for its misogyny and racism. While these articles are very accurate in their observations of the lack of representation on the big screen they are miles off as to why it occurs. It’s not a conspiracy by bigots who seek to oppress marginalized groups. Studios decisions right, wrong, or indifferent are purely based on what they perceive as the best way to make most cash for themselves and their share holders. I only mention this because this rational is why I lament the success of the 90’s rehashes. They made money which means Hollywood will drag out of moth balls every piece of I.P. they had laying around from approximately 30 years ago.
                 My youth has become nostalgia. Generation X is now doing what the baby boomers have been doing for decades. Trying to recapture their youth in some diluted attempt to forget the march of time and the inevitably of the end drawing nigh.
                 Full disclosure of my own hypocrisy, I cannot wait for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. At least its seventies nostalgia and not 90’s nostalgia :/

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Thank you & have fun at the movies.